Tetragrammaton Division

PREFACE:  Noun is the female flesh known as the x/w and verb is the male spirit known as the y/m


ASSERTION: Binary division is tetragrammaton.

CODE:  Div = divide

Let 0 = 1 
Let 1 be the sum of all.


                        1 whole

          One whole lifetime
          One whole afternoon
          One whole year
          One whole song

(It doesn't matter....  "1 whole" = the whole experience, regardless of what that experience happens to be)

                 So we have "One Whole _____________________."
                                                                         (fill in the blank)

QUESTION:  But what happens when we take the whole and divide it?

(This could be any "whole."  It could be a Sunday afternoon, the month of July, or the time it takes to sign the dotted line: anything that can contain an "alpha" and "omega" is a whole.)


                                                         1 whole
                                   [Dividing, Slicing, Divine Force]

The whole is split in two.

For the sake of this discussion, let us call this divine division the A(dam) and the E(ve); that is, let's assume that when the whole is divided, it becomes a binary referent, quantum particles, the verb and the noun that make up the Word framed in Renaissance poetry.  

                        1 whole

 A(dam)              V

                  (DIV-ine force)


Jody Richardson felt a wild, excited smile stretch across her face, and she caught a glimpse of herself reflected from the window directly beside her.  The smile represented a personal triumph: she'd made it to Egypt, and this was no small feet.  For the last three years, she'd committed herself to a spartan existence, and she squirreled away any extra money so that she could take this vacation.

Here she was....  Here in Egypt, boarding a helicopter that would soon carry her above the pyramids she'd seen in textbooks and on tv shows.

In a matter of seconds, the earth shrank into dissipated dust, and Jody felt a pull deep inside her body that reminded her of what it feels like when an elevator quickly lifts you up several stories in a matter of seconds.

She felt the pull.

She looked down on the landscape below, and she saw the pyramids.  They looked so small, so matter-of-fact.  But she recognized them for their singular imprint in history; she saw their purpose.

From high above, the pyramids looked like rough diamond, like half-submerged four-sided boxes sticking their corners up from the sand.

As she stared down at them, her eyes traced the angles, first the one side, then the second, next to the third, and finally the fourth.  Then her gaze went back to the first point and repeated the pattern again. 1, 2, 3, 4...  5, 6, 7, 8.   Four sides.  Four seasons.  Four elements.  Four humors.  Four conflicts.  Four wound around again to a binary 8.

The 8 looked like an hourglass, like a serpentine, like the movement of something eternal.  She saw it all from up in the helicopter, and though her friends never understood why she wanted to go to Egypt, she felt especially justified in that moment.



                                        <                         >



You will be sworn to secrecy.

(Nobody will hear you
Unless they can hear you.

We think time is linear and that it moves directly forward. We have convinced ourselves that each moment is lived and then forgotten and new moments build onto those that are gone. Our stories begin with a first and last word, but within each of the words there is a half-way point that distances us forever from any real end. Xeno's Paradox can't be disproven. We think that we've forgotten unimportant moments. In truth, each moment never stops living. Each moment is forever in its space, and you are indeed alive within those moments. I tell you this: right now you are still experiencing that day of your third- grade birthday party or the morning you slept in late because the alarm did not go off. What if I were to tell you that even now you are encoded forever in every single memory, and each of those memories is singular though collective? What if I were to tell you that you will break the walls that confine you and return to those memories where you currently live? What if I told you that every moment is finite, that it exists independent of your life as a whole? What if I were to say that we are essentially lost in the negative space that fills the void in between point A and B? What if I told you that it is the soul's duty to love through the space between A and B and make each singular moment a place of the divine? Didn't you wonder why, when you were a small child, you had an inner voice that narrated the scene? Have you ever stopped to think that the very voice you held I. Your heart as a child was the voice that speaks to you even now, the voice that is created from so many experiences from the whole of your life? What if that very same voice is with you even now I other places? Meanwhile, certain sages seek to extinguish such a voice. They believe that to silence the mind is the apex of spiritual freedom. They want to disconnect from all of the moments that they were given perhaps to be given new moments--a new life--or no moments at all. Can one escape the duality? And why is escaping it necessary? Do you feel compelled to hand over the very thing that makes you human: your experiences? you diamond buried half in the sand Upon 4 walls written in blood The four fates And the divided path Where a cross cuts into the sky and along the earth And out of chaos this cross creates direction Each edge pointing north south east west The triangle points up because it is male It is fire And the triangle points down because it is female And it is water Language follows a universal path The verb is the male force It is the Y on the xy axis It is y on the cross It is the infinitive force of will and desire And it hunts and gathers Always in a place of infinity. Eventually it finds here: The egg The nounThe X chromosome On the x axis. It is female and she hold the xy axis in place And when she meets the verb, When his arrow points up and connects She is defined and he conjugated With tense and meaning And they created a sentence In the beginning there was the word And the XY created offspring that Mirrored their creators in a line through all of forever. Life begins when the sperm meets the ovum. And I began making connections In my normal life And I could see the lines and the shapes Hidden from most But common enough to discover. I gre to understand When I first became lost in the madness of pseudo-enlightenment, I very well could have died. Every symbol and sign pointed me toward some cataclysmic showdown, and I wanted nothing more than to be a part of this, to assist the Will of my father. But I ask you now the questions that will surely present themselves: what if God has spoken? What if there is no more than this? What if the showdown is far away? What if it has already happened? The Big Bang theory claims we rolled out like a bucket of star-speckled paint that's spilling onto the floor. Those same theorists claim we will roll back into that same place where we started. The cosmos live in the spaces between numbers. What if you are not chosen? Would you still have the foresight to lay your head prostrate at his feet and accept that in the end--even if the big picture does not include you in it--you still worship The Lord Almighty? If cast into that proverbial (and perhaps literal) "lake of fire," is it possible for the soul to still bless God, be in gratitude for once knowing His gifts, and take some comfort in knowing that somewhere the Chosen stood at His side? Is it possible to accept not being one of the Chosen, or--to put it more plainly--be chosen for a different fate? and understand that his universe is perfectly preserved? that so long as His will is s life doe not matter? Can you stop believing in God as some sort of force that rewards and punishes? Can you live knowing that even if you burn in hell for all eternity, so long as His will is fulfilled, there is no other law? We are moving through the universe in complete consciousness, and every fear and every hope that lives I. You will come to pass. You will be forced to play the sinner and the saint, and your greatest fears will be realized. Your life is the fabric of your experience, and it will be lived a thousand times, and in each repetitive movement--when you experience your life in fast forward or rewind--you will have a kernel of truth nested in your soul. If there is still hope it is not the end. You will live your life backward. You will return to that place of youth that you thought you had forgotten. It is indeed waiting for you, but with each movement and measure, you will return to it all the wiser. In the end, you will sacrifice your very salvation for the salvation of the world. You will have to be willing to give everything you are to the very thing that you most fear. You will be the traitor, the tempter, the plague itself, but you will always remember that you are a servant of God. You are doing his will, and you will never be any closer to the infinite than you are right now. Our stories of heaven and hell have been melted down for base comprehension. You are like the child who is presented a simplified fable in order to express a universal truth. Of course, the irony is that the fable contains all of the elements of a universal truth. I've often wondered if prayers for anything other than to offering th and a pledge are the greatest achievements known to man. We stand few in a brotherhood determined to seek justice at all costs. We know that we might not be the ones who stand in the kingdom of heaven, for we are sinners. Still, our reward is found knowing that His kingdom is at hand. )


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