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The Infinite Monkey Metaphor

Part 1 Maybe you’ve heard of The Infinite Monkey Theorem. It goes something like this:          I f you take an infinite number of monkeys           and give them an infinite number of typewriters, One of the monkeys will eventually,           quite haphazardly,           rewrite William Shakespeare’s masterpiece, Hamlet.   Word for word, If they’re given enough time,      I t will happen - With enough Monkeys, Typewriters, And time. l,im,n ixk, And what of our bodies? And what of our spaces? Eventually, The same can be said of everything: Every single atom we've gathered From across the universe and beyond, From all that we see And all that we don’t see. Everything will implode And collapse in that glowing, fiery crucible Where finite moments restructure themselves And form into a newly minted seed. Given enough time,  We all melt into a seed And all that ever was Hardens into this l


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The Ransomed Warrior

In the beginning there was the Word.  It’s hard to explain because the word—           in the beginning— Wasn’t so much a subject and a predicate  As it was a message.  It was a complete idea given to us by the Creator Because He loved us dearly.  Some explain it like this: "Back then, we dwelt in the dirt  And picked the fleas from our skin,  And occasionally our eyes looked up at the sky  Not in wonder, but more because  We sensed a change in the weather.  He spoke to us even then and  Conveyed the message even as  We combed through the hair of the one  Closest to us while searching for fleas  And crushing them between our nails.  The message was very much like a radio signal,  Pressed to our flesh.  For the most part  We didn’t hear it, and if we did,  We didn’t know what it was, so we ignored it.  Eventually—was it decades, centuries, millennia?— One of us finally heard the message.  The neural-pathways re-routed themselves  And the message came through, albeit in a muted way.