"A Blue Uncertain Stumbling Buzz"
I sit in the garden and watch
The bees buzz from flower to flower.
I know them as angels,
As little specks of yellow fuzz-and-stingers
Carrying the magic pixie-dust
Needed to keep the world alive.
The bees are, in my mind, great alchemists
Mixing different pollens
To create new fruits.
I too am on an errand for my Father,
And a collection of cosmic space dust
Clings to my knees.
I bring Him pollen so that he might have
What he needs.
It is not uncommon for some of those fuzzy angels
To stumble and falter at my feet.
I watch the dying bees
Labor and breathe
And flicker and fade.
Always I wonder what was my role in this?
Should I sit back and watch the scene unfold,
All while doing nothing? '
Do the bees have a right to their own death?
Did they own the suffering, the lameness, the asphyxiation?
Or, since falling prostrate at my feet,
Do they want the ultimate mercy?
Perhaps there is no answer,
I step on bees.
The design shapes us into what we will become,
But faith allows such things.
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