
Showing posts with the label Red Scare

Russian Nesting Doll - or "For the Initiate" (Geometric Code)

Russian Nesting Doll - or "For the Initiate" (Geometric Code) ________________________________________________________________________ Oh God... Stop while you can, Before you get to the last  Matryoshka doll. Stop, b ut don't stop searching, Not u ntil you know she's there. How will you know? Allow her to stand before you. Let her rest in the inquisitive Theoretical bisection And remain forever  A possibility. If you let her stay, She will remain whole And unbroken  Like a stolid, stoic Whole note Sung by the invisible future Which surely will come to be . If You break her open, A fractal fissure Will invariably lead To the thousand mirrored-hallways, Or so it seems. I say this again--pointing            to the Russian doll -- Leave her be And do not turn the page  Or read another line Because you do not know  If it is the last Or what it all means.  Each line leads Deeper