
Showing posts with the label Backward Path

Hagar's Jewels

You see before you a series of words,  Each word being pulled from the fire and  Then hammered like totemism into a new shape:  This was the author’s objective.  cl ngcl cn... (Nobody else has figured it out?) c kxtan dtx. gx. ngcl .gxs, ngcth .xmdl (How many billions of ants?) cn cl ;t vzlck, kx.t d,byx;mk (How many marks tallied the shoreline?)     Formed from letters, the words themselves could unlock the message,  And the goal was to trace the origin of language,  To find what existed in the beginning  Before it was conquered and commanded  And shaped into  immovable type and text. g;l ;tbxt, ,sl, jchvm,k ngcl xvn - /v,lncxt r;md (I saw a movie made by an amatuer) ;tbgx. ng, r;csr;t fvln ngm,. ; z;id;h, xu,m ng, j,ti, (How do you spell amatuer?  Keep them on their towes and mispell it!  You can't cast a mis-spell." ;tk c j,,s scd, c ;r hxcth nx kc,w   In fields they gathered the fragmented scraps of smelted iron  From among the archaeological artifacts in the Ancient Near

Nine at Night

In the ancient night, Nine hours delivered us  And freed us from the burden  Of the enemy's trouble. The shouting, so loud, came. What was it?   The sound of war or great rejoicing? I will tell you now: It was truly an offering To push or drive with force a pole into the ground, Such as when setting up a church. The sound of the trumpet Made the world stand still in anticipation And forcefully took hold of The appeal of another. Night or day Ancient and in hours Of number total The number Cardinal A trouble The enemy burdens for freedom and deliverance Rejoicing for a war of alarm Of shouting great. Nine is a cardinal number, The total hours in an ancient day or night. Nine rescued or delivered us to freedom from a burden of the enemy Then a great shout of rejoicing was heard And the offering pushed forth like a trumpet blowing out sound. We stood waiting, Standing still in expectation To seize hold by force, And we pleaded earnestly for an action Decorated in ornamenta

God the Great Magician

I heard the name God  In passing today. It surfaced  singular,  Up from the background  In a steady blur of conversation. "God." When I heard God,  I immediately thought of a magician.   That's what I automatically do: I envision A magician standing on a stage.    Is that strange? No matter the context —    Be it at a wedding,   A funeral,  In church Or on TV... Or even, as I've said,  As a single word overheard in a conversation— When I hear the name God I see God the Great There on the stage.  His suit fits him nicely, And atop H is head, A black velvet stovetop hat Blends into his thick, slicked-back hair. (As is custom, he pulls me from his hat, But not yet... Or not today) He wears a  flowing cape, too; It matches his black shoes, And his mustache, waxed,  Points like a tuning fork. I'm drawn to his dark, dimpled cheeks, And I swoon in the scent of his cologne. It smells of  Honey-t

Before Time

before time  a flow of words moved  through the multiverse as  vibrations in space,  frequencies searching for some  detuned radio  capable of receiving  the transmission of consciousness  Before time,  consciousness itself moved  through the universe at 4 trillion  times per second.  It was a vibration in space,  a specific frequency that spilled  out into the stars,  searching across every planet  and across every moon,  for a form of life  biologically equipped  to receive its transmission.  The consciousness was like  an infinite monkey,  and as infinite eventuality necessitates,  the vibration found its way  to a detuned radio  capable of receiving and transmitting  the great division occurred precisely  in that moment when  pure thought felt hunger,  and he knew he was a radio nonetheless,  a radio capable of transmitting consciousness  As pure thought,  the vibration pulsed through  the vast universe and brought  Its message to every star,  planet,  and moon,  always across the

the law - x - wal eht

Children.... Submerge. Unclean. Be unclean. Dew Unclean Functional. Functional Do good. Be clean. Pure. Ring Slaughtering. kx txn ,ozsxm, ;tbrxm, c n,ss bxv tx. bxv kx txn vtk,mln;tk .g,m, bxv ;m, g,;k,k nvmt ;.;b ;tk zm;b jxm r, The wheel rolls Like a circled X, Like an hourglass. Here, Mountains Fall into waters And angels on ladders Shift in the spin. __________________________________________________________ X x ,/v;s oo __________________________________________________________ c g;k rxrmtb .g,t c j,sn rv s;lb scyctg ynmlbg c kck txn dtx. Ng;n l,zlcl lb;ctmk rb lsmmz I;msxl .xd, r, ct ngm rckks, xj ng, tchgn Ivmlcth rm ;tk l;bcth ., tmmkmk nx hx nx ng, gxlzcn;s ., g;k y,,t ng,m, ,;msc,m ng;n tchgn lx c nxsk gcr nx sm;ym rm ;sxtm cj c jmsb ixsk g, .xvsk txn s,n r, isxl, rb ,b,l g, zvss,k ;n rb ;mr vtncs c jct;ssb lgxvn,k gcr kx.t .g,t g, ymxvhgn r, ctnx ng, ,r,mh,tib mxxr c ys;id,lk xvn c kx g;u, xt, r,rxm