Fishes and Loaves

In Bel
oved, the once-enslaved
[M(ark) this, Cain]
Lived at 124 Bluestone Road
Where the fishes once multiplied
Along with the loaves.

We could have fed 60 million or more
With the excess that we had.

Those in its presence hummed discontent
Is it 1 x 2 = 4
Then 4 x 2 = 8,
Or is it 1 x 2 = 4
Then 4 x 4 = 16?

In America, 388,000 enslaved people
Survived the middle passage
Coming to this country.

In 1860
The slave population numbered

The first enslaved people
Were divided and multiplied
Like fishes and loaves
To feed the hungry and greedy.
Generational Slavery
Will become eternal slavery
When they have their way.

This excess
Not divided by Him but by her:


1 - 2 - - 4
         4 - - - - - - 8
                                                                                    32---------------------------------------------------+ 60                                                                                                                                                        million
                                                                                                                                                 (and more)
          A  -  -  -  E
                         F   -    -  I  -  -  -   M
                                                     O- - - --U
                                                     W - - Z
             - -
          I - - -

O Blue stone
Pink stone You
Blue: life - associated why
          with abundance perceived as excess.
Consonants cut the vowel sounds
And the vowel sprung from the yawning well
Bringing a pink death

Pink: death - associated with the headstone

Dead baby blue
Dead baby red

Life is blue
While death is red.

Dip into the

                                          |___|                           |__|__|                           |___|                
                       A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S T  U V  W  X  Y  Z


Those first people brought over were enslaved
And they multiplied not to be fruitful and revel in the joy.
They were divided and duplicated and forced into the repetitive construct
That profited 
And will continue as such. 


What happens if we travel the backward path
And revert to that first


Kearl was only ten when Clara moved into the place 

Where he and the others lived.

From that first night when she arrived, 

Clara made Kearl uneasy with all that 

Wheezing and muttering. 

He grew to dislike her greatly because she

Frightened him not only with her looks, 

But also with the things she said.

Often, she kept him up half the night 

Speaking words he didn't understand or even recognize, 

And because she was missing both of her legs

She made an awful noise when 

Dragging herself over the floor.

Word had it that a former master 

Cut off both of her legs when she'd tried
To run off as a young girl, 

But others said she lost them 

To a plow in the field. 

Both legs were both cut off 

Somewhere below the knees, 

And Kearl found it

Unsettling to watch her.

Nobody liked her, but she was skilled with her hands, 

And she could clean cotton 

and quilt blankets 

and prepare food, 

Which made her an asset to the owner. 

She was never friendly, and when she spoke, 

It was always puzzling and paradoxical.

Kearl's job included carting Clara over to the barn 

Where she could perform her duties, 

And it was his job to return her every day.  

One afternoon, she said to him, 

"If you let the dark chew into you, 

You become the dark, 

And only then can you bring the light.  

You get me?"

"Nome," he said.

She went on to explain herself further: 

"What you see ain't real, 

And what you touch ain't real.  

They ain't told us the truth 

Because they don't know it, 

But you got the seed in you.  

You got the star."



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