Singular Mass

                                                                                      | > 
                                                                                   . lxt        
                                                                              hxk g;k xt,
G = /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/       / hxk ;tk ng;n xt,\
                                                                    \/\/\ ng,m, cl xtsb xt,/\/\/

                                         ng,m, cl xtsb xt, hxk ;tk ng;n xt, hxk g;k xt, lxt

Individual letters gathered together 
As a collection of tally-marks.
Their endless combinations shaded the sky 
Swarming in a singular mass.
Perhaps the letters were always there
Or maybe they formed in search of the Word.

The Conquerers' Meaning

The far-away words arrived as 
Distant-shapes on the horizon. 
Then, they were barely perceptible, 
Worn away to almost nothing 
But impossible odds. 

Manifest Destiny spilled the words across the bay 
And each letter stood out like the flags
Of a great armada. 
They appeared in infinite combinations.
These words, made of letters, were ancient vessels 
 --mysterious ghost-ship-- 
Carrying in their hulls an even deeper meaning. 
They'd crossed the shoal of time,
Which proved far more expansive 
Than anyone could have imagined. 

Later, we—the natives standing 
Mute on the shore—took notice. 
We marveled as the ships came two by two. 
Gathering in great numbers,
They formed and took shape. 

In our excitement, we didn’t recognize that the moon
Pulled the ocean tide inward, 
Thus bringing the ghost-ships beyond 
The reef that had hitherto kept them distant. 
Now they all gathered
And Prospero likely laughed,  
Knowing that the island would continue 
Being inhabited by familiar traditions. 

On the third morning, 
We saw their masts 
Point north like arrows aimed at the sky. 
They looked warlike and territorial, 
And dividing the seas from the sea.

Why had they come, having sailed across 
An unfathomably large ocean?
Why had they risked so much? 

What did were they escaping
And what did they stand to gain?
Along the way, many of their ships sank
With words lost and never to be seen again.
Others, caught by pirates, were likely sold into slavery. 
But those that made it,
By that third day, moved from the water
And landed on our beaches 
Like troops at Cape Helles.

Whose breath filled those sails 
And moved such vessels
Across the ocean of time?
We can only assume.  

And now these words make their way 
To you... 
I am on your shore
Surfacing as a thought
Of a conqueror.


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