
Showing posts with the label black hole

This Time - Doughboys on the Wire

It's all repeated And so are we: The Lord G-d brings us out of Egypt. This isn’t the first time we’ve done this, you know.  Once again, we've paired the wires  And sparked awareness.  We were messing around with the radio Trying to make it work better, But the wires connected in unexpected ways. You and I both hid as best as we could While voices came through electricity Not from a planchet gliding along a board But instead through tubes and wires Like troops from Cape Helles. Their forceful electric glow  Threw echoes into this place and Down into the deep, hungry well.  It consumed shadows And swallowed us whole.  We heard the radio-sounds clang  Along the circular walls.  Skipping centrifugally,  They echoed endlessly into the fabled  Multiverse.  Their sound moved down like on rungs of the ladder, And the effects  Stretched from the top to the bottom.   Have you wondered why you

At the Top of Thirteen, the Insomniac Dreams

Aside from the coal miner,   There were other jobs as well. Take "the trapper," for instance. Ever heard of the trapper? If you haven't, I'll give you a brief  introduction.    He's the one who sat in the dark. The trapper, usually a young child, Stayed in the darkness at the swing door; There, he listened for the coal-cart  approaching Along the tracks. Just in that moment, the child bolted upright  And swung the trap door open, And the action itself led way to the name  "trapper." Mostly though, the trapper had nothing to do  but sit alone in cold,  muddy darkness. In the quiet mines, the child waited  countless hours for a signal-sound. Some days, it only happened once or twice. When it came, the trapper would jump to his  feet And open the door wide enough  For the cart to pass through, But once the cart glided past, The trapper returned to his quiet, sightless  world. Darkness is long and stretched out.