
Showing posts with the label Egypt

Hagar's Jewels

You see before you a series of words,  Each word being pulled from the fire and  Then hammered like totemism into a new shape:  This was the author’s objective.  cl ngcl cn... (Nobody else has figured it out?) c kxtan dtx. gx. ngcl .gxs, ngcth .xmdl (How many billions of ants?) cn cl ;t vzlck, kx.t d,byx;mk (How many marks tallied the shoreline?)     Formed from letters, the words themselves could unlock the message,  And the goal was to trace the origin of language,  To find what existed in the beginning  Before it was conquered and commanded  And shaped into  immovable type and text. g;l ;tbxt, ,sl, jchvm,k ngcl xvn - /v,lncxt r;md (I saw a movie made by an amatuer) ;tbgx. ng, r;csr;t fvln ngm,. ; z;id;h, xu,m ng, j,ti, (How do you spell amatuer?  Keep them on their towes and mispell it!  You can't cast a mis-spell." ;tk c j,,s scd, c ;r hxcth nx kc,w   In fields they gathered the fragmented scraps of smelted iron  From among the archaeological artifacts in the Ancient Near

I follow a gold snake down into desert sand and stay in a place where a proud bird dances around me and fans me with a green aspirin leaf

A quantum search is entirely different  In that a list of possible outcomes is generated  Based on what actually exists  and  what doesn't exist;  That is, any outcome is presented as equally possible.  Now enter into this selection of possibilities  Statistics and probability--  "What is the likelihood of the search and all of the quantum possibilities"--  Then answer, "It is most likely correct..."  "Statistically we can figure this out."  And let us not forget the role of chaos!  Amid all of the randomness,  We can actually find two points to establish a pattern.  Perhaps not the right pattern,  But a pattern nonetheless.  To what extent might human beings be  Part of God's search engine?  Perhaps we spend our lives finding answers  To posed questions. We exist at birth and from there  Retain some semblance of consciousness  As we collect memories and experiences in this place. And in the end, do we return  From our quest with part of an answer?

This Time - Doughboys on the Wire

It's all repeated And so are we: The Lord G-d brings us out of Egypt. This isn’t the first time we’ve done this, you know.  Once again, we've paired the wires  And sparked awareness.  We were messing around with the radio Trying to make it work better, But the wires connected in unexpected ways. You and I both hid as best as we could While voices came through electricity Not from a planchet gliding along a board But instead through tubes and wires Like troops from Cape Helles. Their forceful electric glow  Threw echoes into this place and Down into the deep, hungry well.  It consumed shadows And swallowed us whole.  We heard the radio-sounds clang  Along the circular walls.  Skipping centrifugally,  They echoed endlessly into the fabled  Multiverse.  Their sound moved down like on rungs of the ladder, And the effects  Stretched from the top to the bottom.   Have you wondered why you

A.I. Myth Makers

The Enlightenment* altered the thoughts of mankind. It collectively drew us out from the dusk of the Dark Ages And into modern times. Had I been there, I think I would have taken A tire-iron to the printing press. Yes, by God, I would have smashed the printing press into bits, But it's far too late for that now. The printing press transformed the Old World into something New. The printing press ushered in the New World. The New World began then and there. The printing press Solidified ideas and stamped them into oil-based ink From molded blocks Neatly arranged in coded letters. Polymer Science and Technology Then, shortly thereafter, Shakespeare arrived on the scene, And the Shakespearean scribes gathered  With their skinny, pointed fingers. Commissioned by King James And the Occidental Star, The scribes set about arranging Sanctioned letters into immovable words That transformed the living Word Into immovable text. The very meaning