
Showing posts with the label Water Mountain

God the Great Magician

I heard the name God  In passing today. It surfaced  singular,  Up from the background  In a steady blur of conversation. "God." When I heard God,  I immediately thought of a magician.   That's what I automatically do: I envision A magician standing on a stage.    Is that strange? No matter the context —    Be it at a wedding,   A funeral,  In church Or on TV... Or even, as I've said,  As a single word overheard in a conversation— When I hear the name God I see God the Great There on the stage.  His suit fits him nicely, And atop H is head, A black velvet stovetop hat Blends into his thick, slicked-back hair. (As is custom, he pulls me from his hat, But not yet... Or not today) He wears a  flowing cape, too; It matches his black shoes, And his mustache, waxed,  Points like a tuning fork. I'm drawn to his dark, dimpled cheeks, And I swoon in the scent of his cologne. It smells of  Honey-t

Foie Gras at the Colosseum

At the Harker Valley Ranch located in Cloverdale, NY Dedicated feeders learn their craft. They know the controversy, But they need the money And have obligations to their families. So they erase the possibility of pain And continue their artistry. Theirs is a skilled craft. They snake long plastic tubes Down birds' beaks and finger the "crops" Which are kept constantly full. This is the same for 21 days Until the harvest. Then, And only then,   The ordinary livers taste like butter        And become culinary treats. Meanwhile, the discerning foodies Exchange recipes And eat. ************** DAMNATIO AD BESTIAS: Four separate tiers make up the Roman colosseum. Each tier balances, one upon the next. From the outside, the amphitheater is a neat stack of           American-eagle silver-dollars One set upon the next like a  Bruegel -themed wedding cake . At the Colosseum's base, The cardinal points Mark the circled square: The sy


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