Nine at Night

In the ancient night, Nine hours delivered us And freed us from the burden Of the enemy's trouble. The shouting, so loud, came. What was it? The sound of war or great rejoicing? I will tell you now: It was truly an offering To push or drive with force a pole into the ground, Such as when setting up a church. The sound of the trumpet Made the world stand still in anticipation And forcefully took hold of The appeal of another. Night or day Ancient and in hours Of number total The number Cardinal A trouble The enemy burdens for freedom and deliverance Rejoicing for a war of alarm Of shouting great. Nine is a cardinal number, The total hours in an ancient day or night. Nine rescued or delivered us to freedom from a burden of the enemy Then a great shout of rejoicing was heard And the offering pushed forth like a trumpet blowing out sound. We stood waiting, Standing still in expectation To seize hold by force, And we pleaded earnestly for an action Decorated in...