
Showing posts with the label Hamlet


ALLWORKclickANDNOPLAY.. MAKESeach letterJACKADULL BOYgets clicked &ALLWORK.. ANDNOspills on the pagePLAY. MAKESwhich isn't a page at all. but is rather field that gets filled. JACKADULLBOYALLWORK. Somehow in this moment, I'm2B Backward like the shape of aND Diamond half filledNOPLAY.... In a momentMAKESJACKA.... Even DULLBOYALLWORK... NowANDNOPLAYMAKES..... JACKADULLBOYALLWORK. I know that my story will come off sounding crazy to most “normal” people,  But I am ultimately at the point where I really don’t care how I come off.  I can finally say that I’m writing this for nobody except myself  Because if I can manage to put my experiences into words  Then perhaps I will gain some kind of perspective—  And if I can gain some kind of perspective,  Then perhaps I’ll arrange the events  To my liking….  And I can  Arrange the events in a sequential order  And perhaps from this order  Find meaning of some kind  To hel...

The Infinite Monkey Metaphor

Part 1 Maybe you’ve heard of The Infinite Monkey Theorem. It goes something like this:          I f you take an infinite number of monkeys           and give them an infinite number of typewriters, One of the monkeys will eventually,           quite haphazardly,           rewrite William Shakespeare’s masterpiece, Hamlet.   Word for word, If they’re given enough time,      I t will happen - With enough Monkeys, Typewriters, And time. l,im,n ixk, And what of our bodies? And what of our spaces? Eventually, The same can be said of everything: Every single atom we've gathered From across the universe and beyond, From all that we see And all that we don’t see. Everything will implode And collapse in that glowing, fiery crucible Where finite moments restructure themselves And form into a n...

A.I. Myth Makers

The Enlightenment* altered the thoughts of mankind. It collectively drew us out from the dusk of the Dark Ages And into modern times. Had I been there, I think I would have taken A tire-iron to the printing press. Yes, by God, I would have smashed the printing press into bits, But it's far too late for that now. The printing press transformed the Old World into something New. The printing press ushered in the New World. The New World began then and there. The printing press Solidified ideas and stamped them into oil-based ink From molded blocks Neatly arranged in coded letters. Polymer Science and Technology Then, shortly thereafter, Shakespeare arrived on the scene, And the Shakespearean scribes gathered  With their skinny, pointed fingers. Commissioned by King James And the Occidental Star, The scribes set about arranging Sanctioned letters into immovable words That transformed the living Word Into immovable text. The very meaning...