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Foie Gras at the Colosseum

At the Harker Valley Ranch located in Cloverdale, NY Dedicated feeders learn their craft. They know the controversy, But they need the money And have obligations to their families. So they erase the possibility of pain And continue their artistry. Theirs is a skilled craft. They snake long plastic tubes Down birds' beaks and finger the "crops" Which are kept constantly full. This is the same for 21 days Until the harvest. Then, And only then,   The ordinary livers taste like butter        And become culinary treats. Meanwhile, the discerning foodies Exchange recipes And eat. ************** DAMNATIO AD BESTIAS: Four separate tiers make up the Roman colosseum. Each tier balances, one upon the next. From the outside, the amphitheater is a neat stack of           American-eagle silver-dollars One set upon the next like a  Bruegel -themed wedding cake . At the Colosseum's base, The cardinal points Mark the circled square: The sy

(T)Here in the Hall of Records - an introductory poem

PZZZst.... (T)Here in the hall of records A radio-sound unspools like a silver thread. The sound is Pulled from the wheel And drawn from the horizon. It stretches out in a curved whole-note And always meets resistance from the static-frayed yarn Inhibiting this place. How many astronomers and poets Could not answer the Hexagonal Riddle? We cannot say, but they numbered many. They fell into an orb-webbed center And were caught on the convex surface. There, planets sequenced the space between Stars While discontented beetles Brought gifts to Ptolemy's wife, Queen of Cats.  We're standing here, you and I... I'm 7 or 8 and pissing in the toilet. In that moment, I think, "I'll never remember this..." I think, "I'LL NVER REMMBER THS MOMNT." Ah, but I do... And you do, too. [Stupid things they offer in these moments!] The beetles gathered in columns and rows to carry The message hidden in shredded rags. The seamstress would take these rag