
Showing posts with the label existential experimental

God the Great Magician

I heard the name God  In passing today. It surfaced  singular,  Up from the background  In a steady blur of conversation. "God." When I heard God,  I immediately thought of a magician.   That's what I automatically do: I envision A magician standing on a stage.    Is that strange? No matter the context —    Be it at a wedding,   A funeral,  In church Or on TV... Or even, as I've said,  As a single word overheard in a conversation— When I hear the name God I see God the Great There on the stage.  His suit fits him nicely, And atop H is head, A black velvet stovetop hat Blends into his thick, slicked-back hair. (As is custom, he pulls me from his hat, But not yet... Or not today) He wears a  flowing cape, too; It matches his black shoes, And his mustache, waxed,  Points like a tuning fork. I'm drawn to his dark, dimpled cheeks, And I swoon in the scent of his cologne. It smells of  Honey-t

Yeast on Passover: To Lynn

Yeast on Passover: To Lynn I've wanted to write this letter to you for a while. I get that you are the ring finger.... You are the ring finger cut from the hand of God. You miss father. You fuck father.... You fuck father finger.... I've seen it And I've heard it And I've carried it with me. You've shown your red solitary circle Aimed and taut, puffed up cherry-plumb. Those familiar wings stem from the sides. And yes, you are the red circle with white wings. Enough time has passed now That I can put my thoughts into words Without trailing off into nonsensical obscenities: And here they are, These collection of thoughts Formed into vowels and consonants Coded, shaped, and aimed at you.  Here goes.... You're a nasty, terrible woman. I mean that.... Sincerely. It feels good say, Though it shames me, too.... I'm 44 years old now, So I'm no child, But still it feels good for me to call you out Just like a ch