
Showing posts with the label God

The Vessel and the Instrument - A Message

A MESSAGE (as it appeared, no edits) __________________________________________________________ presence for I am the lord and I speak as the vessel and the instrument in the sinner who I've chosen.  i am the holy ghost and I have touched the man who is chosen to carry the flame. I am the voice that reminds you that for every penny you've proffited, you will pay a thousand times in an eternal debt. i call out the jews and the sages and the alchemists. you are chosen too. for this curse is ours and ours alone, and you are in judgement with the rest.  you, the supposed mother cut from the hand of God who offers trinkets now in this hour of lament, search with your eyes into the despair you have caused and weep bitterly for the harvest that surely is your own.  you jews who profited and made your living off of the word of the father, weap at the place where you have led us. for surely moses will weep for you.  ghosts of the spectre who haunt these realms, marvel in...

I follow a gold snake down into desert sand and stay in a place where a proud bird dances around me and fans me with a green aspirin leaf

A quantum search is entirely different  In that a list of possible outcomes is generated  Based on what actually exists  and  what doesn't exist;  That is, any outcome is presented as equally possible.  Now enter into this selection of possibilities  Statistics and probability--  "What is the likelihood of the search and all of the quantum possibilities"--  Then answer, "It is most likely correct..."  "Statistically we can figure this out."  And let us not forget the role of chaos!  Amid all of the randomness,  We can actually find two points to establish a pattern.  Perhaps not the right pattern,  But a pattern nonetheless.  To what extent might human beings be  Part of God's search engine?  Perhaps we spend our lives finding answers  To posed questions. We exist at birth and from there  Retain some semblance of consciousness  As we collect memories and experiences in this place. An...

God the Great Magician

I heard the name God  In passing today. It surfaced  singular,  Up from the background  In a steady blur of conversation. "God." When I heard God,  I immediately thought of a magician.   That's what I automatically do: I envision A magician standing on a stage.    Is that strange? No matter the context —    Be it at a wedding,   A funeral,  In church Or on TV... Or even, as I've said,  As a single word overheard in a conversation— When I hear the name God I see God the Great There on the stage.  His suit fits him nicely, And atop H is head, A black velvet stovetop hat Blends into his thick, slicked-back hair. (As is custom, he pulls me from his hat, But not yet... Or not today) He wears a  flowing cape, too; It matches his black shoes, And his mustache, waxed,  Points like a tuning fork. I'm drawn to his dark, dimpled cheeks, A...

Travel the Backward Path - 3:14 AM

Write this to the angel of the church in Laodicea: Here is a message from the Amen,  The faithful and true witness, The ruler of all that God has made. We know that we have left death and have come into life.   We know this because we love each other  as brothers and sisters. Anyone who does not love is still in death. Dear friends, we are waiting for this to happen.   So try as hard as you can to be  Without sin and without fault.   Try to be at peace with God.  But you may suffer for doing right.   If that happens, you have God’s blessing.   “Don’t be afraid of the people who make you suffer;   Don’t be worried.   If you are selfish And have bitter jealousy in your hearts, You have no reason to boast.   Your boasting is a lie that hides the truth. We have the honor of sharing in all that Christ has If we continue until the end to have the sure faith We had in the beginning. Our peop...