The Infinite Monkey Metaphor

Part 1

Maybe you’ve heard of The Infinite Monkey Theorem.
It goes something like this:

         If you take an infinite number of monkeys
         and give them an infinite number of typewriters,
One of the monkeys will eventually,
         quite haphazardly,
         rewrite William Shakespeare’s masterpiece,

Word for word,
If they’re given enough time,  
  It will happen -
With enough Monkeys,
And time.

l,im,n ixk,

And what of our bodies?
And what of our spaces?

The same can be said of everything:
Every single atom we've gathered
From across the universe and beyond,
From all that we see
And all that we don’t see.
Everything will implode
And collapse in that glowing, fiery crucible
Where finite moments restructure themselves
And form into a newly minted seed.

Given enough time, 
We all melt into a seed
And all that ever was
Hardens into this liquified thing. 

After the singular mass
The cracks will divide and expose
A concave shell
That breaks out of nothing
Like fibrous tendrils pulled from an almond shell.

Here, I can smell the river
And taste with sandy teeth.
It makes me want to turn away
And stare back at the place
Where we wish we'd stayed longer.
Just a while longer....

And I will stay when the seed is carried
And then imparted
Carrying within it
This is the fractal-you
So I bless it.
It resonates with all of the choices you made
And all of the questions you answered and asked.
The water smells like a freshwater river hidden in the sea
I discern the sweet dirt sifting
Into the mid-summer's heat.
I smell the pines and the ferns and the maples
Expanding like dough.

This ball of dough, now in my hands,
Is heavy, too.
It expands and contracts.
In dough, there is no beginning or end.
It’s just an endless mix
Of the former and the latter
Mixed into a batter,
Bent upon itself
Like the contortionist dancer
Who twists in between
In between
On her knees
Unbroken for the time.

I come melting back to you this way.
Yes.  You.

Given an infinite number of monkeys
And an infinite amount of time,
A monkey will recode the genome sequence
And appear on the other side as you.
And you will type the words
That inevitably lead you here to find me.
After all,
The play's the thing.

I will read your words
Just as you read these.
I will smell your river
In the binary sea.

As for me now,
I am a monkey on his knees
Lost in the Rabbit War.

Here, I personify an entity
And when I close my eyes and disconnect
I feel a presence that suggests a force
I cannot see.
Below the surface,
I imagine the underneath-world:
My kicking, my floating legs-
I am stricken with fear.
I associate shapes with monsters
And I grapple with their disease.

Given an infinite number of monkeys

With an infinite amount of time,

 One of them will figure out a way 

To awaken all that ever was, 


 will be.  

One of them will find your life

Useful in some way.  

You will be dug up and placed 

Into the design of some 


Perhaps you will be part of a video game plucked from the 

Limitless unknown and awakened 

into--or from?--a resurrected consciousness. 


Consciousness is more or less like standing in a hallway

          —standing in the dead center of a hallway—

Where at the beginning one mirror points East toward 

Another at the end, which points West.

The current "you," the you of now,

Stands in the center of this rectangular hallway

And your very presence divides the space.

You are the Golden Ratio.

This is the binary 

Line of birth to death, 

 A to Z,/or 

0 1 

Standing amid the bouncing reflections,  

You must feel like a lost echo.

But you can escape the endlessness of the motion 

By simply becoming consciously 

Aware of your placement in it.  

Wave-Duality theory exists in you.


Only when you choose to deliberately 

Observe both the past and the future, 

Only when you recognize

          —as a quantum observer—

The repetitions and patterns, 

Can you step from the circle

(which, in this metaphor, is the hallway) 


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