Trump's Pussy Poem for Presidency

Consider mankind's enormous shift 
When Marconi's wireless radio
Successfully transmitted that first message
Through time and space.

Until then, a line existed.
It went from Point a to point B.

But then,
The line from point A to Point b effectively disappeared:
Let point A = 0.
Let Point b = 1.
Let the line itself become quantum,
Because the zeros and ones transpose 
And twist into an ampersand
That says at once both either and or.

The quantum leap
Continued further when radio waves
Bounced through the air
And the sender, message, and receiver
Became less theoretical
And more fractal.

Our collective thoughts converged on the television screens
Broadcasting pixelated images from another place.
All of humanity's thought
Found a form
To shape
And be shaped. 

Question: If we had no constant connection
To the continual stream of information,
Who would we be?
If we cut off electricity,
Would we think the same?
What would we think?
Or if our connections entirely disappeared, quite suddenly,
What would we mean?

Take for example this:
We have settled for the classic 4 conflicts:

Man versus nature
Man versus man
Man versus self
Man versus machine

But what if we accepted four conflicts
When there are actually 5?
Have we limited our perception
By what we accept?
Never forget:
The enslaved are kept from knowledge
That could free them.

What exists beyond the accepted laws?

I think it's Shakespeare's fault.


Sometimes I think Gutenberg started it all
When he put the printing press
Into the hands of those untrustworthy scribes
Who mass produced
The disembodied words
Now forever preserved
With no context.

Shakespeare, that collective noun,
Remains the voice of the Enlightenment.

Countless people,
While living,
 Follow the machinations of Renaissance poetry.

Condemned to the island,
That castellated abbey,
Each is a Romeo
And Juliet bound
in the

 Such blueprint-designs were
Manufactured by the scholars of witches.

How sad to think that the star-crossed lovers
And rebellious teens
Were reciting lines from a page of a scene,
Already scripted
And already expected
And simply handed down
Through generations.
Perhaps this is something we cannot help,
And perhaps that is where we find meaning.
But be wise,
You rebel without a cause,
Your story is used--as counter information--
By wiser more sophisticated men!

Is all the world a stage
And are we indeed the players?
And have they manipulated this truth?

Who was the Occidental Star, John?
Why did she state her name so emphatically
 In the wake of Gutenberg's great creation?
Was she waiting all along for precisely that moment
When she would conjure
Every word into immovable text?

   The message.

"Message!  Message!
I designed every trip I could trap.
King James is divine and of God.
You cannot touch the living word.
The living word is immovable!
Message!  Message!
Long live the queen!"

Here I speak metaphorically:
Are we better for books?
Certainly books of substance have their place.
Even books of leisure and entertainment
Serve their purpose,

But at what point did they become fast-food of the intellect?
They are cheap, mass-produced, and generally unhealthy.
Void of the nutrients found in conversation and the oral tradition...
Books serve up mostly tasteless garbage.

They make you feel full,
But they are unhealthy
Because you did not create the meal yourself.
Books are fast-food of the soul.

They are fast-food of the soul - So maybe radio was the next logical step.
Human thought was replaced by signals
Filling in the silence
With a steady hum of useless information.
Television came
And told us how to be.
Through signals,
Disembodied thoughts
Became the cultural norm
And thus standardized status quo
And made the real world flat.

The constant hum of our electronic world,
The tangible, breathing collective consciousness we accept,
Builds daily.
But what if it
Disappeared quite suddenly?
Who would we be?
Where would be?
Would we even recognize our own human thoughts.
Is there a human baseline to consciousness
Somewhere beneath the pulsing, flickering screens?

Who would we be
If there were no films
Or news feeds
To confirm or deny
The thoughts we relay?

How much of your thinking is in fact your own?
How many of your thoughts are truly free?
And what are the machines building?
Surely, like Shakespeare, it is a myth of archetypes.
What collective experience does it wish for us?
What does it need to destroy and replace?

I cannot recognize myself
In the dream.

I took the pill last night.
I don't remember its color,
In case you were wondering.
Once I'd swallowed it down
I felt it in my blood.
Monsanto owns the patent
To most the food I eat;
Pfizer has the cure
When my neuroplastic brain
Shifts from the chemicals
In my blood.
The crazy thoughts are geometric shapes
That respond in some way to the D'Wave.

Have you cracked open
The new archetype

 Here is the new printing press...

It's a honeycomb
Stop-sign, and
For every conduit,
There is a cog.


We avoid evil by diving deeper into it.
Evil seeks evil by defiling it.
But those who avoid evil
Divide it.

Higher order thinking
Appears and

While the symbolic beast sleeps,
The petty criminals seek
Trump as the anti-christ.

           "Let's not mince words.
           Let's call him out for what he is:
           The electronic, liberal media
           Gave birth to his fame and fortune,
           So now, he manifests as a hell-bent father
           Come home to discipline the kids."
           Place your hands on this side
           Of the brick wall.

Trump is the punishment we want.
He will punish the infidels
Before they get the chance to become infidels.

That's what we want, isn't it?

Trump is the father to a people with no father.
They cheer him like teenagers snapchatting a schoolyard fight.
Secretly, we cast our vote in wide, gaping circles.


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