(T)Here in the Hall of Records - an introductory poem


(T)Here in the hall of records
A radio-sound unspools like a silver thread.
The sound is
Pulled from the wheel
And drawn from the horizon.
It stretches out in a curved whole-note
And always meets resistance from the static-frayed yarn
Inhibiting this place.

How many astronomers and poets
Could not answer the Hexagonal Riddle?
We cannot say, but they numbered many.
They fell into an orb-webbed center
And were caught on the convex surface.
There, planets sequenced the space between
While discontented beetles
Brought gifts to Ptolemy's wife,
Queen of Cats. 

We're standing here, you and I...
I'm 7 or 8 and pissing in the toilet.
In that moment, I think, "I'll never remember this..."
I think,

Ah, but I do...
And you do, too.

[Stupid things they offer in these moments!]

The beetles gathered in columns and rows to carry
The message hidden in shredded rags.
The seamstress would take these rags
And sew them into
Prospero's sail,
Which accounts
For much of the yarn.


Pull the yarn
And be shown
The heart of this thing

There at the heart,
She is shown
Spinning from a tomb
In the web of forever.

There are brave men here
With faces of pilgrims,
Wrinkled by winters
Near a city on a hill.

If they thread the eye of the needle with silver,
Will a camel pass through?
What about a particularly noble and worthy camel?

And what does "worthy" mean
Here in the hall of records?
Let us seek kindness, mercy,
Justice and love.
Let us revisit
As the Living G-d.

Embedded in the grooves of time,
Dead men walk in circles.
They keep you in a wheel
Of planned delays.
Nearing the final judgment,
They leak their grease-like oil
Onto the grooves 
Connecting East to West
And West to East.

Each voice sparks a forged blade.

l,im,n ixk,

For those who know it,

As for me,
I step from the circle
To carry wine
to the table.


  1. Please provide any information, links, and/or analysis that you think will aid others with understanding the poems in this collection. Your interpretation may be the 🔑


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