

ALLWORKclickANDNOPLAY.. MAKESeach letterJACKADULL BOYgets clicked &ALLWORK.. ANDNOspills on the pagePLAY. MAKESwhich isn't a page at all. but is rather field that gets filled. JACKADULLBOYALLWORK. Somehow in this moment, I'm2B Backward like the shape of aND Diamond half filledNOPLAY.... In a momentMAKESJACKA.... Even DULLBOYALLWORK... NowANDNOPLAYMAKES..... JACKADULLBOYALLWORK. I know that my story will come off sounding crazy to most “normal” people,  But I am ultimately at the point where I really don’t care how I come off.  I can finally say that I’m writing this for nobody except myself  Because if I can manage to put my experiences into words  Then perhaps I will gain some kind of perspective—  And if I can gain some kind of perspective,  Then perhaps I’ll arrange the events  To my liking….  And I can  Arrange the events in a sequential order  And perhaps from this order  Find meaning of some kind  To help me process  What happened.  Still  I need to remi


Nootropic receptor sites psychotic break modafonil sacred geometry binary physics archetype spiritual emergence Zeno's paradox Infinite Monkeys The Red Council mystical alchemical enhanced vision 3.14 spiritual knowledge divine qualities 13 a-a : 11 13 15 November 13, 2015 a-z Alpha to Omega 12 14 16 December 14, 2016 g=01g/e Helen Keller Awoke 1660 Park Ave, San Jose, CA 95191 525 S Winchester Blvd, San Jose, CA 95128 April 19, 2013 Rob Zombie Bright Eyes Root word Genesis div divide divine Mark 3:14 Luke 3:14 John 3:14 Matthew 3:14 essential nature calamus spiritual energy creative forces open theists rexroth’s serpent cult selfless love bare attention efficacious grace conscious experience straight path taken literally our blessed lord theological voluntarist carlos primary object god virus [ i.e. who hears historical setting sinclair lewis d.h. lawren

Nine at Night

In the ancient night, Nine hours delivered us  And freed us from the burden  Of the enemy's trouble. The shouting, so loud, came. What was it?   The sound of war or great rejoicing? I will tell you now: It was truly an offering To push or drive with force a pole into the ground, Such as when setting up a church. The sound of the trumpet Made the world stand still in anticipation And forcefully took hold of The appeal of another. Night or day Ancient and in hours Of number total The number Cardinal A trouble The enemy burdens for freedom and deliverance Rejoicing for a war of alarm Of shouting great. Nine is a cardinal number, The total hours in an ancient day or night. Nine rescued or delivered us to freedom from a burden of the enemy Then a great shout of rejoicing was heard And the offering pushed forth like a trumpet blowing out sound. We stood waiting, Standing still in expectation To seize hold by force, And we pleaded earnestly for an action Decorated in ornamenta

This Time - Doughboys on the Wire

It's all repeated And so are we: The Lord G-d brings us out of Egypt. This isn’t the first time we’ve done this, you know.  Once again, we've paired the wires  And sparked awareness.  We were messing around with the radio Trying to make it work better, But the wires connected in unexpected ways. You and I both hid as best as we could While voices came through electricity Not from a planchet gliding along a board But instead through tubes and wires Like troops from Cape Helles. Their forceful electric glow  Threw echoes into this place and Down into the deep, hungry well.  It consumed shadows And swallowed us whole.  We heard the radio-sounds clang  Along the circular walls.  Skipping centrifugally,  They echoed endlessly into the fabled  Multiverse.  Their sound moved down like on rungs of the ladder, And the effects  Stretched from the top to the bottom.   Have you wondered why you

The Infinite Monkey Metaphor

Part 1 Maybe you’ve heard of The Infinite Monkey Theorem. It goes something like this:          I f you take an infinite number of monkeys           and give them an infinite number of typewriters, One of the monkeys will eventually,           quite haphazardly,           rewrite William Shakespeare’s masterpiece, Hamlet.   Word for word, If they’re given enough time,      I t will happen - With enough Monkeys, Typewriters, And time. l,im,n ixk, And what of our bodies? And what of our spaces? Eventually, The same can be said of everything: Every single atom we've gathered From across the universe and beyond, From all that we see And all that we don’t see. Everything will implode And collapse in that glowing, fiery crucible Where finite moments restructure themselves And form into a newly minted seed. Given enough time,  We all melt into a seed And all that ever was Hardens into this l