
Two Mirrors, Face to Face (The Crescent Moon Bookends)

In the Hall of Mirrors, A reflection bounces  And stretches out Into an unfolding line to time. Entwined in this is you  my brother-- We are mirrors, Each  Reflecting  To the other. I am here even now In some hospital room where  It stinks of sepsis. The dying-dream is inked.  Brother, I press the rag to your fevered-face And tell you now (as a living memory), "I've done my best to keep the cupboards clean, And I've confessed my wrongdoings So that I might pray with you tonight." I pray, but never alone- You are always with me. Our hands press together like bookends. I bring you tea. Keep the mirror steady And hold it to my nostrils. I will do the same For you. Now remember,  Just as we planned : Reflect! You say, "There is only one G-d..." Alpha Omega Alpha Water Alpha Noun Verb Word Alpha X m(ark)s the spot Woman Man Verb Alpha I say   "That G-d has one son."   You say, "And we killed

(T)Here in the Hall of Records - an introductory poem

PZZZst.... (T)Here in the hall of records A radio-sound unspools like a silver thread. The sound is Pulled from the wheel And drawn from the horizon. It stretches out in a curved whole-note And always meets resistance from the static-frayed yarn Inhibiting this place. How many astronomers and poets Could not answer the Hexagonal Riddle? We cannot say, but they numbered many. They fell into an orb-webbed center And were caught on the convex surface. There, planets sequenced the space between Stars While discontented beetles Brought gifts to Ptolemy's wife, Queen of Cats.  We're standing here, you and I... I'm 7 or 8 and pissing in the toilet. In that moment, I think, "I'll never remember this..." I think, "I'LL NVER REMMBER THS MOMNT." Ah, but I do... And you do, too. [Stupid things they offer in these moments!] The beetles gathered in columns and rows to carry The message hidden in shredded rags. The seamstress would take these rag