The Ransomed Warrior

In the beginning there was the Word. 
It’s hard to explain because the word—
          in the beginning—
Wasn’t so much a subject and a predicate 
As it was a message. 
It was a complete idea given to us by the Creator
Because He loved us dearly. 

Some explain it like this:

"Back then, we dwelt in the dirt 
And picked the fleas from our skin, 
And occasionally our eyes looked up at the sky 
Not in wonder, but more because 
We sensed a change in the weather. 
He spoke to us even then and 
Conveyed the message even as 
We combed through the hair of the one 
Closest to us while searching for fleas 
And crushing them between our nails. 
The message was very much like a radio signal, 
Pressed to our flesh.  For the most part 
We didn’t hear it, and if we did, 
We didn’t know what it was, so we ignored it. 
Eventually—was it decades, centuries, millennia?—
One of us finally heard the message. 
The neural-pathways re-routed themselves 
And the message came through, albeit in a muted way."* 

                                                          All of this has passed before:


                                                     *             *

                                              *                          *

                                        *                                       *

                                 *                                                     *

                           *                                                                 *
                   Aleph-----------------------------|-------------------------- Ωϡ ϛ 


I knew this even as a kid.
I sensed it.

                  N                   E
                    \       X        /
                      \     / \      /                     one red eye
                        \ /      \ /                                        
                        / \      / \                        cut
                      /     \ /      \                      from the hand
                    /       M        \                    lied to the world.
                 Y                     S

                                  Who will believe

She says,
                                             if such a thing as time exists--
                                  Let me ask you this:
                                  Why does the

                                            like the sound
                                            of the doppler-drum?

                                  Banners flout the sky
                                  And mix in thunder
                                  But their sound curves in my ear.

                                  When shall we three meet again?


Hidden somewhere within the backward path.

There, the last memory became the first.
The first memory became the last.

Remember all those treasure maps with the "X marks the spot"?
The treasure was buried
But found by our king.

The X is a spinning
In a web of geometry.

In such a web, a city on a hill shines brightly.
The Declaration of Independence
Divides the soul
From the source.

Let it be known,
I am the ransomed warrior,
Though I won't claim Romantic gifts.
I am here to manifest destiny.


Dr. T. J. Eckleberg
Is framed in the lines of text 
"God sees everything...."
And He does.

Meanwhile Nick-the-bondsman is
"Inclined to reserve all judgments."
He says, quite matter-of-fact,
"Do what thou wilt!"

Do what you want!

This moral relativism makes possible
A particular brand of
The American Dream.

Oh Nick...
Oh Jack...
Oh man...
Hey Man...

Nick--you old devil!--you moved out east
And went into banking.

Hello my baby....
Hello, my darling....
Hello... My rag-time gal!

Give me what I want to night.

I want wealth
And I want fame.
I want them to know my name.


Cast the spell
To make it real.

I don't care
What it may cost

In thunder,
In lightening,
And in rain,
Make me



Cast the spell
To make it real.


Who sings in whole-notes
Melodious tapping
Spider whorl-pins?

                                  Motion.  Picture.   Frame-by-frame.
                                  Woman.  Motion.  Framing picture.


                                  Written down on paper,
                                  Made of whole-notes,
                                  Wrought with bullets

And what if you're reading an actual spell, brother?
What if this is a spell handed down, brother to brother?
Would you dare to read if you knew where it ends?
We shall see...

                                  Moving pictures
                                  Winding reels: 8
                                  Mention motion...
                                  Wind in the wheel:
                                  Mention the
                                  Map.  Map the answer
                                  When nothing is left-
                                  Made man of flesh
                                  Wait, the figure-8
                                  Moves like a mystical thing.

                                  War and famine
                                  Move closer like the sound of drums.
                                  Winding rhythms
                                  Move through
                                  Wi-fi!  Quantum-theory calls.
                                  Moving-pictures form the walls.Motion: elastic-collision drums out this:
                                  Metered scansion breaks the oath
                                  Like a thought measured through time.

/ ^/ ^/^/ ^

                                  Mystical to some and
                                  War-like to others.



                                  Water ofthemountain&8=>8YxxX
                                  Mountain &  XXY  YY xxy XyXx
                                  Mountain of
                                  Water &
                                  Woman  y
                                  Manofthe                x    yx   x
                                  Water    x       xxy       x           xxy
                                  Xxy  xy yy  xxy  xx                     Xxy
                                  Yy  xxy xx                                      X  xY
                                  Xx     xY                                          Y yxx
                                                                                           Xy  xx
                                                                                           Y xx
                                                                                          Y xx
XXy           Xxy                                                              XXy
                            XX                                                   Yxx
M                          YxX                                          Wm xm
W                                  Yx wm   Xy                 x wm
M.                                             y wm y wm
I am..
I am the
Will. I am.
I am the will.
I am the woman.
I am the noun in the
Mountain where the kids
Of Hamlin were led that night

Of the savage in the garden.
I am the Will of the thought
That you will be a god
If you know the truth
So bite into the apple
If you want to be
Like a god.
I am the Will
Standing Savage in the garden.
I am the Will
Of the Past and Future.
I am the

Stain on the walls.
A memory where
          Nothing is new.
          It is repeated, of course, by the breadths, but not otherwise.


          Our path maps out the hopeful disposition of that rebel-heart
          Where Einstein advises you
                  (his coy mistress)
                  to look deep into nature:
                  "...then you will understand everything better."

 The inhalation of breath (and its exhalation) is not singular.
          It moves forward and backward multiple times.
          It is like the tide:
          It always moved in and out and in
          Just like the sun rises and sets
          Like the measure of breaths.

Carl Jung saw a scene like this unfold many years later,
Though he would not address it publicly.
He could not afford to address it
For fear that it would tarnish his reputation,
So he contemplated this secret in relative privacy.
He painted it onto oversized pages in a leather-bound book
And the red-riddled secret remained hidden until after his death.

How would Campbell
(that post-mortem grave-digger mythologist)
Have ever carved up the red-leather flesh from a Turin horse?
How would Campbell
Cut it up and serve it to Hollywood screenwriters?
I imagine his ideas
As tasty finger-foods
On three golden platters.

This is a spell:

f i f i m m v v m m m v v m m − = + = + G
energy for elastic collisions can be written as: ( ) 22 2 11 2 11 2 11 1 4 22 2 mv mv mv if f = + Let

                                                          V ->       balls at rest
                                      before:         O          OO

                                                                                  V ->
                                      after:                      OO        O
                                                                 at rest

          We're the living embodiment of Newton's cradle:
                  every action has a reaction
                  but the momentum is never quite felt
          Are you lost in the time-loop?
          Do you re-live the same day over and over.
          You must swallow all of the soup.


They call it "The Explorers' Club" or "The Red Counsel" or something like that.  It's fascinating stuff. I got my invite a few years ago, but I couldn't join.  Maybe I'm stupid for not joining.  I don't know.... I'm doing my time in the Rabbit Wars.  Never mind "The Big Bang Retrograde" or "The Black Hole Sun" or something like that. It's all metaphor and allegory.

7-billion Hamlets will answer
To the Big-Bang retrograde.
The Black-Hole-Sun
Will knight the savage
And each will cry
"To be"
And "I am the will of the shaking spear,"
Only I'm not.

On that day after those days
(which is the same as the day before these days)
A vowel-mouthed transmission
Vibrated the space-fabric
With melded bits of everything
That had ever been
From before
The vibration
Until it worked into the dust.

-. --- .. - .-. -... .. ...- -. V . i ...- b . r .-. t .. i ... o ..-. n --- .-. . ...- . .-. / .. ... / -. . ...- . .-. / .. ...
V-.-. i --- s -. i ... o --- n -. .- -. - / ... --- ..- -. -..-. --- .. - .-. -... .. ...-V-. --- .. - .-. -... .. ...-ow.l

Time moves backward.
Our oldest memories serve as framework
And I called you here.
This is the memory upon which memory is built.

What is your earliest memory?
Does the memory press upon you like the flicker of a TV screen?
Does it stand with you in the kitchen while you hold your mother's leg?
Is it fear?  Is it joy?

Your youngest memory of self is in fact your oldest recollection of self.
You will never be any younger than you are today,
And nothing will be older than your first memory. 
Time moves backward,
Each day births an infant.
Each day meets capacity
Output transmitter
The data indicating equipment transmitting to a radio
Applied energy frequency uses radio Loop Pit
Receiver feature factory ordered
Right upper displayed as
E 01G
Track gate system component as a function force levels of high creation operator gate.
I made it up.

Time moves faster.
I'm always waiting for the weekend.
I'm always in Monday.
I'm always gasping my last breath.
A child who is one has lived no less than a child who is two
Because they have both lived one experience
In a place where consciousness can't be quantified.
Consciousness cannot be split in two
Though it can be divided.

A child of one has lived one out of one year: 1/1
A child of two years has lived 1/2.
A man of 42 has lived 1/42.
The percentage is smaller
And each day shortens
Because it is built upon another day.
Then, the sad-colored dust
Woke in a dream
And followed the signal

It collected a feeling
That somehow turned pink
And some form of man
Crawled from the mud.

What was the first human thought that broke the surface?
I mean, that first "man" must have had a breakthrough.
He must have reached up through the surface and the sludge
And recognized a thought
Beyond food and sex.

That thought still
Lives in me.

The vibration hummed
And fastened like a circle
-. --- .. - .-. -... .. ...- -. V . i ...- b . r .-. t .. i ... o ..-. n --- .-. . ...- . .-. / .. ... / -. . ...- . .-. / .. ...
V-.-. i --- s -. i ... o --- n -. .- -. - / ... --- ..- -. -..-. --- .. - .-. -... .. ...-V-. --- .. - .-. -... .. ...-ow.l


Who was the first person to think?
Who was the first to contemplate anything?
Who stepped out of the reptilian brain
And thought to paint a shape in a cave?

Did the thought feel like waking from a dream?
Was it one man, or was it his offspring?
Did he feel the fear of fight or flight
And spring to his feet with his thought akin to danger?

Did he recognize he'd escaped the world of groans and grunts
And became a father of future great men?
Did he teach the thought to others he knew
Or was it passed along hidden in his blood?

Did he appear like a brand new leaf
Having escaped the pit of the well?

What was the first syllable consciously uttered by man?
I do not mean the grunt or groan indicative of sentient life.
I'm talking about a sound with symbolic meaning.   
How did we step from reptilian to limbic?
What transmission vibrated the earth on its axis?

Stepping from that old place,
The reptilian brain awoke
And moved from the limbic and into the the neocortex.
What motive?
The will of our father cutting through sound.
Then, the vibration collapsed.

-. --- .. - .-. -... .. ...- -. Consonant ... --- ..- -. -..-. ƚ--- .. - .-. -... .. ...nɒnoƨnoƆ...-V-. --- .. - .-. -... ..

TheWord was the verb--though not solely infinitive.
To + Verb = Infinitive


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/////\\\\\/////\\\\\/////\\\\\/////\\\\\/////\\\\\\/////\\\\\//////\\\\\=======================>>>> ////////==.>>+=+=+=+=>> \\\\\\\\\==>>/////\f\\\//g//\\\\\ffggGGG\\\////\\/////\\\\\\/////\\\\\//////\\\\\=========m====>>    ==...>/////=====>>>///f//fGfgg/////////////////////////GGGGgggg          w                                    //////////
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                                        *vowelcon s            vowl                *
                              *             vowel                       consonant      *
                        *          consonant             E            v owel                    *
               <                        vowel                           consonant                         >
                       *              consonant                     vow e l                       = *}}
                                *         vowel c on   so nant vowel             *=||
                                               *    consonance vowel     *
 [Binary rebels
haunt circles
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                                       w                w                         mw
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                                                     \ W        /                (318.9 million US
                                                       \ m /                        UP to 400 million sperm per ejaculate)
                                                          /  m \\

                                                       / W              w  \

                                                 /  o                                    m \

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                        / / /    *                                                                              \\\

      /*///              *                                                                                                       \\\\\    *      
                                                  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  \*                                                                                     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
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                                       Verb     oteto (infinitive)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> * * * * * *



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                                    <-| V
                                       +    e
                                       W   \  r
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                                e                y
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                               12             14

                        11           13            15

               MW M W    M   w   m   12/14/16

Mountain      *                             *                              *
Water\\\///\\\//\/*                     *   M  *                     *       *                    8enjamin8ranklin
Mountain\\\///\\   *              *   Mount   *            *         .      *             8lasses
Water\\\\////\\\\///\\\/*      * Mountain    .    *   *                          *           A8a8oveI88eloW
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Piper                                 *       0)      * Wat     *           G=01g/e          FreeVerse?
Song                                     *         *   Water         *         e/              KingJames
Mountain                                   *       M                   *  7e09-7ad-'IX
Water                            hvid x.s ,b,l ., t,,k ; fvkh,  GardenSnakeGarden8nakeGarden8snake8
Mountain                              ng,b i;tn ,;n ng, jmvcn .g,t cn cl j,mr,tn,k jxm ng, dcth
Water                               hxk hxu, xt, lxt lx ., ixvsk iscth nx gcr
X                    gg cl ycnn,m ;tk i;ttxn y, l.;ssx.,kONickJackNickJackNickOwlNickJack
Verb-> to follow to follow to follow to follow to follow
Verb-> infinity 8 infinitive -> to follow to follow to follow to follow to follow to follow to cum to follow to follow to 8nake follow to follow to follow to cum to follow to follow to follow
Noun-> Eve cl ng, txvt ng, 8nake js,lg

What horror in thinking of only that moment
Tumbling in a capsule of unbearable heat
Doomed to forget to remember and repeat.

These are the thoughts I have when I sleep.
These are records of my inconsistent dreams.

I only ever read excerpts from The Gay Science
In a Bedford anthology during my senior year of college.
I, like many, read my Bedford while sitting in a laundromat
Waiting for my clothes to be done.
I sat with a highlighter on a humble chair near the dryers
And dutifully annotated some far away text
Drawing stars next to "little lamb"
And highlighting the words "God is dead."


Noun->the dog the dog the dog the dog ng, txvt ng, txvt
Noun->the dog the mountain dog the dog
      kcu kcu kcuct, kcu kcu kcuct, kcu kcu kcuck, kcuct, kcu kcu,m kcuct,
                    To follow            +       The dog
                 Infinitive verb                  Noun
                            cj bxv g;u, hxt, ngcl j;m d,,z hxcth  ng,m, cl xtsb xt, hxk ;tk ng;n hxk g;l xt, lxt
                                            o    +8
                                       l             |       The dog follows
                                l                    |       The dog followed
                         o                          |       The dog will follow
                  f                                 I
Verb->             + Noun


Enter *8*(SssssSssss8ssssSssss)\!!!
Cat====> first recognized face
Google announced


Verb = Spirit
Noun = Flesh  

Verb + Noun



Divide to multiply

Divide the
Light from the dark

Pulled from the rib of the verb
The noun
Water-> Male->Fluid->Flow->Spirit->
Verb->to follow to follow to follow to follow
Noun->the dog the dog the dog the dog

Binary Rebels erase distinction
In equality of all metals
None more precious than the other

Children (Adj, Adv, Prep, Pronoun, Conj)
Piper=> 8  Time  8 => hourglass 8=) past, present, future (as above/so below= LIELIELEI)
Xmarks the spot
Xm(ark)s the spot
(Look into the dust....)                                     +
                                                        12   MI                  XIV

                                            MountainMoun    MountainMounta        

                                        11                            13                        15

                           NOVEMBER           THIRTEENTH           2000-FIFTEEN
                 MountainMou                    MountainMount                  MountainMountai
                        X                      XX
             W                    M                          MountainWaterX0101101XVV                  II  
          Mountain      Water         Mountain        Water        Mountain       Water    Mountain









The Fish with No Eyes waded closer to the bank
And he swam ever further into a sliver of space.
The hospitable water had grown less inviting,
And the starving fishes saw the division of waters from the sky
And the smooth silt beneath him
Pressed from below
Urging the fish to break the surface.
His gills became lungs.
What fish-man first broke the surface
And dared to breathe in the air?

The Fish with No Eyes
Instinctively lifted up through the water
And bravely faced the choking heat.

Others had done the very same thing,
But the sulfur particles and radiation-heat
Resonated a vibration
In the DNA sequence
Which commanded their blueprint
And embedded in life
A change.

In time, the mud grew thicker.
The gills inverted, and the mud turned to dirt
And the fins split into fingers.

The DJ, from a distant world,
Spoke fast and with meaning:
"And now,
Each thing living
Is an electromagnetic resonator
Radiating oscillations
In very high frequencies!"

We are he and he is we
And the carousel turns

Five fingers mirrored five more
And the web-footed priest
Remembered the memory of this moment
For the receiver itself was programmed into all that is living.
The found one was
Twisted in the double coil
And Human DNA allowed for the frequencies 
To attach to the flesh and form into language
As evolution of thought.


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