
Showing posts from September, 2016

Virtual Reality Poetic Prophecy - The Woman in the Wood

I <3 U Ɛ> I I >Ɛ  ∩ 3< I Etched in the glass of a wood framed mirror, Virtually every story is already told Even this one: The woman stood amid the planted trees And at first felt satisfied and joyous. But the joyousness and wonderment Disappeared and left her with a terrible sense of guilt.  "What have I done?" Some things cannot be undone, Though she set about making amends. She would make a burnt offering. But what sacrifice could atone For her part in the deviant deed? She decided then to scorch the earth with spit and fire And even to burn the Great Citadel, That fortress of the highest place Measured in distance and dimension alike. Then, like a nocturnal cat, She walked the route we still travel. ____________________________________________ Make a cedar box, Rigid, rectangular, and reddish-blue in color. On it is written a cardinal number: 40 and 4. __________________________________________

Deja Vu is Wormhole of the Mind

Opiates vibrate, just like pain.    Pain vibrates in a steady roll.... ....and it hits and rolls like cold, steady waves.   It hurts.   Thankfully, o piates combat that pain.... They vibrate a sort of electric ecstasy, and that makes the physical pain somehow less commanding.  Opiates are God's wafers... That night, I hosted their communion, and the opiates did their job.   Their warmth vibrated with me and swallowed the heaviest pain; I felt relaxed enough to fall into a deep sleep.  I didn't know I had a fever.  I didn't know an infection spread inside my body.   Carlos woke to my moaning and thrashing.  The bed--covered in sweat--vibrated differently.  When Carlos reached over and felt my fever, he knew the danger.  He pushed the thermometer into my mouth and saw the electronic display flash 106.   Carlos went into a panic and  pulled at my unresponsive arm.                      "Get up!" he

Prophetic Profits and Monsanto's Movie Poem

Your life is already copyrighted with no patents pending. This happened a very long time ago. Just like all of the electronic footprints that can never be erased, your code can't be erased either.  The double helix records all that you do.  Every moment and memory you have had is coded in you for some future archeologist to exhume. Given an infinite amount of time and an infinite number of monkeys, one of them will figure out a way to recognize the value of human life.  One of them will buy us at an auction and  collect us like books, and each human life will serve as a searchable database.   We will be awoken from a sleep, and all of our memories and experiences will be studied.   Your code contains the code of each and every forefather (and foremother) who contributed to you in some way, so they will be brought here, too.  We will be punished, studied, and monetized as escapist entertainment. You knew this and always did.  You've lived thi

QWERTY in the Alphabet Soup

Today, my only accomplishment is this: I flipped the standard QWERTY keyboard Upside down and typed on it: When I typed the word QWERTY From my flipped keyboard, It read "?><MNB" in all caps and "/.,mnb" in lowercase letters. "A secret code," I thought. "Surely I can't be the first to turn over a standard keyboard And type onto it as I ordinarily would.... Surely someone has done this before I did." Surely someone has seen the  X M(ark)s the * V I typed the words' "secret code" and "hidden message" [as an SOS (lxl) of sorts] All upside down. Here is what the search results yielded: On its own, this isn't much, But here's the thing: My discovery qualifies as a new thought,  And as a first, I gain proper entrance to the Explorers Club Born and consumed, In an internet of things. So it must be accommodated Or buried In its own way.