Russian Nesting Doll - or "For the Initiate" (Geometric Code)

Russian Nesting Doll - or "For the Initiate"
(Geometric Code)

Oh God...
Stop while you can,
Before you get to the last 
Matryoshka doll.
Stop, but don't stop searching,
Not until you know she's there.

How will you know?
Allow her to stand before you.
Let her rest in the inquisitive
Theoretical bisection
And remain forever 
A possibility.

If you let her stay,
She will remain whole
And unbroken 
Like a stolid, stoic
Whole note
Sung by the invisible future
Which surely will come to be.

If You break her open,
A fractal fissure
Will invariably lead
To the thousand mirrored-hallways,
Or so it seems.

I say this again--pointing 
          to the Russian doll--
Leave her be
And do not turn the page 
Or read another line
Because you do not know 
If it is the last
Or what it all means. 

Each line leads
To downward
Seek the upper layers:

      (I have given) More (to) her.
      (Charity; I) Expose 2:      
      (Have 1) Line (and) another-      
       Read (between the lines)      
       Or (turn the) page      
      (Like) The turn (of a screw)      
      (It is) Not (what I) do      
       And (I want to) be 
      (with) her (or) leave.

The Infinite Monkeys are tricky 
And they'll bargain with bits of the truth;
They'll require you to break the seal,
And that will keep us here,
Though we're already here.

If You're lost in this choice, 
Then perhaps you've cracked the code.
Perhaps you've moved out through the nesting doll
And thus continued
Ad infinitum 
In a Sisyphean
Recreation of a winged, one-eyed cat. 

For this, I say sorry.
In truth, I am sorry.
Oh God...
Since You have a son, 
You must believe that
He will return
And the only way back
Is knowing that I've seen the devil.

He came to me
Folded amid the electronic
Currents of a wifi static
Of magnetic residue.

He spoke in riddles
And said he was a she:
"I am the ring finger 
Cut from the hand of God.
I am finger.
I miss father.
Finger-fuck, finger-father.
I fuck finger!
I- ring finger
Cut from hand.
Cold, I am,"

The devil told me.
In this place, she loved you best,
But not receiving His grace,
She ate the children,
And kept repeating
In rhythm,

"I am the ring finger Cut from the hand of God. I am finger. I miss father. Finger-fuck fuck father. I am ring finger Cut from His hand. Cold, I am"

Never to return to the place she loved most.
She knew she was wicked,
And she wanted his love.
Not receiving it, she vowed to get his attention.
She kept repeating,

"I am the finger
Cut from the hand of God.
I am the ring finger.
I miss father."

She came to me at night
"am finger"        
She feels cold
And she speaks in the music
That overlaps...  She is
Desperate to return
To the hand of Him.

The war calls to you and me.
Oh God...
You will know her then.
The wolf and the lamb
Hid amid numbers:
9 6 3 2 4 6 8 9 6 3 2
Ad infinitum.

If you made it to this place
Then You spoke freely
Which brought You to me here, too.

This is the cascade of water,
A river in the oceans
Collected as dribbling dots
Gathered like uncountable ellipses 
Now forming the pools
At the base of this 

Only he can break this spell,
If you can break the spell.

But it seems you're lost or twisted in the mix
So chaos pulls into four directions
And forms a diamond shaped knot.

Who redeems
The dreams?

Thus, it is said,
Don't read on.
Stay where you are
And carry on.
Drink the whole notes
Spoken even now.

k,;m ctcnc;n, vl, ; kcli,mtctj ixk, .cng .


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