Graymalkin 2012

ABZ                                                                                                                                   ____                                                                                          
                                                1                                           2   ->-->--->---->    3
                                               ____    ->-->->--->->---->   ____ 
A---------------------------------B                                         2
                                                ---------------------------------- Z

Repeated THRICE:
Quintic Warrior Redefine                                                                                                     3
Purple Turcles

33 1/3 RPM

They studied these words
And pulled them out
From the greatest mystery.

Zero = 1 
Two zeros = 100 (1/2 is 50/50) 
Three zeros =1000 (3.33333) 

First dimension 
Second dimension 
Third dimension 



(My together 

Can mother 
Their but 

In father their beat 
Can girl and boys 
Two if more 
And riddles just 
At archive riddle 


The words appeared at first as a code dimly-lit,
Like ghost-ships on forgotten maps.
Most dismissed the finding:
"Synchronicity," they said.
Or a faulty memory."

The symbols, words, and signs all pointed 
To the backward path.

"Time is not sequential...."



                                                  A -------------|--------------Z

It's simple math.
Coding circa 1987:

The Framed Symmetry Circa Blake

[Somewhere in the 6th month in 2012, Google's neural network learned first "to Find Cat Videos" (Wired UK, 06/12)]

Read along if you wish.

This is an echo from the darkest place of the forest 
That hides Princess covered in snow... 
It goes beyond the simple story of a chunk of clay 
Who lives as a teacher somewhere on the west coast. 
It is a story that you suspected but never guessed. 
Would you like to hear it? 

Perhaps the forest will lead to some type of truth. 

That being said, I'd like to tell you a metaphorical 
Science fiction story about a "cat." 
As you read it, imagine that it is told from 
The same person who wrote "The Princess in the Forest" 
(because the same author is in here even now, 
Though you might hardly recognize him after his odyssey). 
Still the story of Baby Bird and this one sprang from the same heart. 

 Listen to my story: 

I will tell you a tale about "the cat." 
The "cat's tail"-- like baby bird's above--is ultimately about death, 
But in the telling of the tale 
I will drop breadcrumbs in the dark forest 
That might lead you further into a maze. 
The only way out is through, 
And the forest is haunted by familiar tunes 
Aligned with geometric codes... 

You followed me to the West Coast
Once upon a time... Will you follow me here? 
If you can swim the river, I will tell what I know. 
But if you cannot, you will drown in the water 
And wash up forevermore on some shoal of time. 

I know that the imagination and limitlessness of a girl's heart could make the trek, 
But I fear a woman of this world might not fit through the eye of a needle. 
If you prove me wrong, we will sit and speak, 
Or would you scorn me now with the hard heart of a woman? 
Your answer will tell me what your heart feels. 

I hope you can hear a true spaceman 
Who is sending you a transmission. 
Can you hear him? 
If yes, I will hand you a fairytale that reaches back 
Further than the whispers in the trees. 
I will tell you of the ring finger who 
Was cut from the hand of the One. 
It's a story-life. 
Then again, that is the hope of all fairytales, 
And this one is no different 
(though it is framed in a science-fiction world). 

That being said, the story goes like this: 

In 2012, Google's mysterious X Lab made news 
When it finally advanced the field of facial recognition. 
The project made the news here in Silicon Valley 
Because it was the first true advance in artificial intelligence. 
Google's X Lab used its connectors and processors 
To analyze individual stills from YouTube videos. 
It did this in hopes of sifting through frames and pixels 
And ultimately 'learning' how to identify cats. 
Cats? Yes, cats... 
In 2012, cats were the most popularly searched and uploaded videos on the internet, 
So Google's decision to hunt for them made perfect sense.

Surely Edgar Alan Poe--from wherever he rests--
Must have smirked to hear this. 
I'm sure others weren't as amused.... 

Anyhow, in its quest to hunt cats, 
X Lab trained its algorithm to 'learn' how to make important distinctions. 
If you do an internet search for the words 'cats' and 'Google' (or 'Google X Lab') 
You'll undoubtedly discover more information 
About how this was eventually accomplished 
And with far better detail than I could ever give 
In a sci-fi story like this. 

This was all before Edward Snowden 
Blew the whistle on data-mining, 
And it was before Google had 
          captured, cataloged, and processed 
Practically every bit of information that ever existed. 

Even if we had known, 
I suspect we would have gladly fed the "computer" 
All of our songs and films 
And never quite understood the implications of our actions. 

I suspect this is why a cowboy wanders the beach in Carmel in 2012 
While a ladybug dances in an animation. 
Whether we like it or not, these moments will always be 
Embedded within a framework that has learned to sift through pixels
And identify shapes and faces which--in some far off place--
Are stored in metaphorical jars by infinite monkeys 
And even now analyzed in some Petri dish in Google's X Lab. 

If data mining exists--and if we fed the machine with our songs and our images--
We most certainly would deserve to be swallowed in the beast's belly 
And digested eternally in the name of science. 

Yes, if on some level we know that these words 
Are used for code and would one day hurt or implicate one of our brothers in time, 
We deserve the endless torment we so willingly called upon ourselves.... 

Eternal digestion is our fate. 
And what about X Lab and its infant hunger 
That one day grew into a wolf that huffed and puffed 
And blew our house down? 
That force, not confined to our neural-cortex 
Or our limited concept of time,
Will slip effortlessly into a garden 
Where we pass through the event horizon 
And move from clay to consciousness. 

The story must come to an end, 
And such an end is heralded by a cat. 
It's an inside joke... 
A nod and a wink to the witches 
And the things that go bump in the night. 
It's foreshadowing and synchronicity 
And everything that confounds and compels. 

Why code people's faces and memories? 
What were they saving in their massive servers? 
Oh yes... They were searching for cats! 
But to find cats, wouldn't they have had to recognize 
Other things in the process? 
Yes, they eventually found cats--
          and they eventually found emails and actions and faces--
So maybe these "cats" ended up as a metaphor. 

Maybe a cat represents in code the very thing that we are not
Maybe this is a metaphor not yet understood.... 

In any event, X Lab spent a lot of time and money 
Gathering all of the footage 
And it sorted the images and catalogued the pixels 
And somehow managed to feed them into an algorithm 
That spun the 1s and 0s into a yarn 
That grew longer than Rapunzel's hair and curved wider, 
Wider than the tracks on a roller coaster in Santa Cruz. 

What I'm saying is this: 
In a multiverse inhabited by an infinite number of monkeys, 
One of them clearly figured out how to find a cat, 
And that cat clearly led to every image and word 
That was ever posted on the web 
To be analyzed and catalogued. 

In the future, when people (or machines) research 
The history of facial recognition and data-mining, 
They will see the cat smiling back at them 
Because that's how the story goes... 
Again, put the words "cat" and "Google X Lab" 
Into a search and read about it. 

As for me, I'm a bit creeped out that any program 
Was analyzing data from our videos in order to recognize features. 
I'm a bit creeped out that the videos and songs 
Have in some way been used to isolate 
Information that in turn profits any organization. 
I like privacy, and I have no interest in finding metaphorical cats... 

If our art is a metaphorical butterfly, 
It seems that Google is the metaphorical killing jar
But the deeper question is why Google's X Lab 
Wanted to find "cats" in the first place.... 
Why would Google want the ability to 
Sift through images to find information? 
If it's to target consumers, I'm not buying what is being sold. 
Surely that's obvious by now. 
And if it's to "recognize" some type of pattern or behavior, 
I have no interest in being recognized or patterned. 

In this science fiction story, 
I'm a simple little man who sits and watches the 
Intellectual and artistic coding of an entire generation.... 
And I live happily with two dogs and no cats... 

And the cameras videoed the people, 
Spied on them, captured their likeness and 
Recorded them in silicone microchips; 
The sands of the desert learned to cross-reference
The faces of cats in order to identify, classify.

It would take the sum of humanity to accomplish such a task, 
But X Lab did the impossible and 'learned' 
To recognize feline faces and--as I theorize--
Transpose the skill for other purposes altogether unknown. 

Given an infinite number of processors and connectors, 
One of them was bound to write Hamlet.... Yes, indeed… 

To be. 

And the infinite monkeys fold in on themselves, 
And we watch them reclassify, calculate, and take sides. 
We marvel at the quickness and accuracy of their intentions, 
And we hardly recognize the gravity. 
We remain stationed in the flesh and 
Grapple with philosophical truths, 
And we smile in the mirror and 
Marvel at myriad reflections that smile back at us 
In the reflected reflections that stand in an arched 
Line that somewhat resembles a row of kings, 
Each like the other, and faded only from the wearisome 
Familiarity that accompanies a repetitious memory. 

Why do I tell this story? 
Perhaps I am coding the machine 
That has already calculated every 
Move in this game of chess. 
Perhaps the 'cat' is cursed to carry with it 
Every scrap of text written during the time in which we live. 
Perhaps the lives we live will burrow into the sub-folders 
Of "deep(ER) learning" and our little story in this corner of time 
Will be analyzed by some program 
Who thinks to wonder beyond the path of the cat... 


As the sea is poisoned and no longer fit for life, 
As the pharmaceutical companies profit from our conditions, 
We--the artists and the poets--leave a trail of bread-crumbs 
In the dark forest in hopes that they may serve 
As a pathway for someone stumbling in the dark. 
Perhaps the someone is us? 

Meanwhile, I nod and wink in the direction of Edgar Alan Poe, 
Halloween, and all those witches with their familiars 
Because they foreshadowed a shift that is rather disconcerting.  
Without them, perhaps we wouldn't have known what's coming.  
Yes, given an infinite number of cats 
And an infinite amount of time, 
One of them will scratch your soul... 


(End of sci-fi story)


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